Tuesday, March 19, 2013


1. Canicosa bewails that the names of the registered voters in the various precincts did not appear in their respective lists of voters. Is this a ground to declare a failure of election? Explain.

2. In one case, the members  of the Provincial Board of Canvassers were charged of a criminal offense worded as follows:"That on or about January 21, 1988, in the Municipality of Mati, Province of Davao Oriental, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused as Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Third Member, respectively, of the Provincial Board of Canvassers of Davao Oriental in the January 18, 1988 elections, conspiring with, confederating together and mutually helping one another, did, then and there, willfully and unlawfully fail to proclaim Erlinda Irigo as elected Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member candidate who obtained 31,129 votes, the eighth highest number of votes cast in said province but instead proclaimed candidate Pedro Pena who obtained only 30,699 votes."
After trial on the merits, the trial court rendered a decision, the dispositive portion of which reads:
"x x x , the Court finds all the accused  GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as principals for violation of Section 231, second paragraph, of Batas Pambansa Blg. 881, as amended, otherwise known as the "Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines", and hereby sentences each of them to ONE (1) YEAR IMPRISONMENT which shall not be subject to probation.  In addition, they are sentenced to suffer disqualification to hold public office and deprivation of the right of suffrage.  Said accused are ordered to pay, jointly and severally, Erlinda Irigo the amounts of P50,000.00 as actual damages, P15,000.00 as and for attorney's fees, and P100,000.00 as moral damages, plus the costs of the proceedings.
Question: (a)Is the criminal penalty correct? (b) What about the  award of damages? Explain.

3. Facts: Atty. Romulo Macalintal files a petition for certiorari and prohibition before the Supreme Court seeking a declaration that certain provisions of Republic Act No. 9189 (The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003) suffer from constitutional infirmity. He raises the following questions:
A)     Does Sec. 5(d) of said Act allowing the registration of voters who are immigrants or permanent residents in other countries by their mere act of executing an affidavit expressing their intention to return to the Philippines, violate the residency requirement in Section 1 of Art. V of the Constitution?
B)      Does Sec. 18.5 of the same law empowering the COMELEC to proclaim the winning candidates for national offices (i.e. senators, pres. and vice pres.) and party list representatives violate the constitutional mandate under Art. VII, SEC. 4 of the Constitution that the winning candidates for Pres. and Vice Pres. shall be proclaimed as winners by Congress?
C)       May Congress, through the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee created in Sec. 25 of said Act, exercise the power to review, revise, amend and approve the Implementing Rules and Regulations that the COMELEC shall promulgate without violating the independence of the COMELEC under Section 1, Art. IX-A of the 1987 Constitution?

4.  What is a pre-proclamation controversy? Which body has jurisdiction over said issue? Explain.

5.  Facts: Juan Calderon was born on 20 August 1939.His grandfather was Pedro Calderon, a Spanish national, who died in the Philippines on September 11, 1954.His father was Andoy Calderon who married on September 16, 1940 Jean Stuart, an American national. The records further showed that Andoy got married to Juana Calingasan on August 12, 1938.
Questions: 1. Juan Calderon would like to run as Vice-President of the Philippines in the next election. Is he qualified to run? Explain.  2.Granting that he filed his certificate of candidacy as Vice-President, can his opponent file an election protest against him before the Presidential Electoral Tribunal? Explain.



Instruction: Write the letter of your choice in your booklet. For the problem, write your answer with explanation why.

1.Mayor Lucia of Casidsid filed her certificate of candidacy for congresswoman of the district covering Casidsid. Still, she continued to act as mayor of Casidsid without collecting her salaries as such. When she lost the election and a new mayor assumed office, she filed an action to collect the salaries she did not get while serving as mayor even when she ran for congresswoman. Is her action correct?
A. No, salaries can be waived and she waived them.
B. No, because her acts as de facto officer are void insofar as she is concerned.
C. Yes, public policy demands that a de facto officer enjoy the same rights of a de jure officer.
D. A. Yes, it is but just that she be paid for the service she rendered

2.Anton was the duly elected Mayor of Tunawi in the local elections of 2004.He got 51% of all the votes cast. Fourteen months later, Victoria, who also ran for mayor, filed with the Local Election Registrar, a petition for recall against Anton. The COMELEC approved the petition and set a date for its signing by other qualified voters in order to garner at least 25% of the total number of registered voters or total number of those who actually voted during the local  election in 2005, whichever is lower. Anton attacked the COMELEC resolution for being invalid. Do you agree with Anton?
A. No, the petition, though initiated by just one person, may be ratified by at least 25% of the total number of registered voters.
B. No, the petition, though initiated by just one person may be ratified by at least25% of those who actually voted during the 2004 local elections.
C. Yes, the petition should be initiated by at least 25% of the total number of registered voters who actually voted during the 2004 local elections.
D. Yes,the petition should be initiated by at least 25% of the total number of registered voters of Tunawi.

3.Van sought to disqualify Manresa as congresswoman of the third district of Manila on the ground that the latter is a greencard holder. By the time the case was decided against Manresa, she had already served her full term as congresswoman. What was Manresa's status during her incumbency as congresswoman?
A. She was a de jure officer, having been duly elected.
B. She was not a public officer because she had no valid existing public office.
C. She was a de jure officer since she completed her term before she was disqualified.
D. She was a de facto officer since she was elected, served, and her disqualification only came later.

4.Adela served as Mayor of Kasim for 2 consecutive terms. On her third term, COMELEC ousted her in an election protest that Gudi, her opponent, filed against her. Two years later, Gudi faced recall proceedings and Adela ran in the recall election against him. Adela won and served as Mayor for Gudi's remaining term. Can Adela run again for Mayor in the next succeeding election without violating the 3 term limit?
A. No, she won the regular mayoralty election for two consecutive terms and the recall election constitutes her third term.
B. A. No, she already won the mayoralty election for 3 consecutive terms.
C. Yes, her ouster from office in her third term interrupted the continuity of her service as mayor.
D. Yes, the fresh mandate given her during the recall election erased her disqualification for a third term.

5.The COMELEC en banc shall decide a motion for reconsideration of
A. the House or Representatives and the Senate electoral tribunals.
B. the decision of the election registrar.
C. the decision of the COMELEC division involving an election protest.
D. its own decision involving an election protest

6.Xian and Yani ran for Congressman in the same district. During the canvassing, Yani objected to several returns which he said were tampered with. The board of canvassers did not entertain Yani's objections for lack of authority to do so. Yani questions the law prohibiting the filing of pre-proclamation cases involving the election of Congressmen since the Constitution grants COMELEC jurisdiction over all pre-proclamation cases, without distinction. Is Yani correct?
A. Yes, the Constitution grants jurisdiction to COMELEC on all pre-proclamation cases, without exception.
B. No, COMELEC’s jurisdiction over pre-proclamation cases pertains only to elections for regional, provincial, and city officials.
C. No, COMELEC’s jurisdiction over pre-proclamation cases does not include those that must be brought directly to the courts.
D. Yes, any conflict between the law and the Constitution relative to COMELEC's jurisdiction must be resolved in favor of the Constitution.

7.A candidate who commits vote buying on Election Day itself shall be prosecuted by the
B. Secretary of Justice.
C. police and other law enforcement agencies.
D. City or Provincial Prosecutor.

8.Where a candidate for the Senate stated in his certificate of candidacy that he is single, when he is very much married, though separated, his certificate of candidacy
A. may be canceled.
B. will subject him to a quo warranto action.
C. remains valid.
D. may be denied due course.

9.The Commission on Elections is an independent body tasked to enforce all laws relative to the conduct of elections. Hence, it may
A. conduct two kinds of electoral count: a slow but official count; and a quick but unofficial count.
B. make an advance and unofficial canvass of election returns through electronic transmission.
C. undertake a separate and unofficial tabulation of the results of the election manually.
D. authorize the citizens arm to use election returns for unofficial count.

10.Pre-proclamation controversies shall be heard
A. summarily without need of trial.
B. through trial by commissioner.
C. ex parte.
D. through speedy arbitration.

11.Alfredo was elected municipal mayor for 3 consecutive terms. During his third term, the municipality became a city. Alfredo ran for city mayor during the next immediately succeeding election. Voltaire sought his disqualification citing the 3 term limit for elective officials. Will Voltaire's action prosper?
A. No, the 3 term limit should not apply to a person who is running for a new position title.
B. Yes, the 3 term limit applies regardless of any voluntary or involuntary interruption in the service of the local elective official.
C. Yes, the 3 term limit uniformly applies to the office of mayor, whether for city or municipality.
D. No, the 3 term limit should not apply to a local government unit that has assumed a different corporate existence.

12.X, an administrative officer in the Department of Justice, was charged with grave misconduct and preventively suspended for 90 days pending investigation. Based on the evidence, the Secretary of Justice found X guilty as charged and dismissed him from the service. Pending appeal, X's dismissal was executed. Subsequently, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) reversed the Secretary’sdecision and the reversal became final and executory. What is the effect of X's exoneration?
A. X is entitled to reinstatement and back salaries both during his 90 day preventive suspension and his suspension pending appeal.
B. X is entitled to reinstatement and back salaries corresponding only to the period of delay caused by those prosecuting the case against him.
C. X is entitled to reinstatement but not to back salaries on ground of “damnum absque injuria.”
D. X is entitled to reinstatement and back salaries during his suspension pending appeal.

13.The decision of the Regional Trial Court on appeals pertaining to inclusions or exclusions from the list of voters
A. is inappealable.
B. is subject to an action for annulment.
C. may be brought straight to the Supreme Court.
D. is appealable to the Commission on Elections

14.Governor Paloma was administratively charged with abuse of authoritybefore the Office of the President. Pending hearing, he ran for reelection and won a second term. He then moved to dismiss the charge against him based on this supervening event. Should the motion be granted?
A. Yes, Governor Paloma's reelection is an expression of the electorate's obedience to his will.
B. No, Governor Paloma's reelection cannot extinguish his liability for malfeasance in office.
C. No, Governor Paloma's reelection does not render moot the administrativecase already pending when he filed his certificate of candidacy for his reelection bid.
D. Yes, Governor Paloma's reelection is an expression of the electorate's restored trust.

15.An administrative rule that fixes rates is valid only when the proposed rates are
A. published and filed with the UP Law Center.
B. published and hearings are conducted.
C. published and posted in three public places.
D. published and all stakeholders are personally notified

16.The new Commissioner of Immigration, Mr. Suarez, issued an Office Order directing the top immigration officials to tender courtesy resignation to give him a free hand in reorganizing the agency. In compliance, Director Sison of the Administrative Department tendered his resignation in writing which Mr. Suarez immediately accepted. Director Sisonwent to court, assailing the validity of his courtesy resignation and Mr. Suarez’s acceptance of the same. Will the action prosper?
A. No, Director Sison tendered his resignation and it was accepted.
B. No, estoppel precludes Director Sison from disclaiming the resignation he freely tendered.
C. Yes,for so long as no one has yet been appointed to replace him, Director Sison may still withdraw his resignation.
D. Yes, Director Sison merely complied with the order of the head of office; the element of clear intention to relinguish office is lacking.

17.The Comelec en banc cannot hear and decide a case at first instance EXCEPT when
A. a Division refers the case to it for direct action.
B. the case involves a purely administrative matter.
C. the inhibition of all the members of a Division is sought.
D. a related case is pending before the Supreme Court en banc.

18.Jax Liner applied for a public utility bus service from Bacolod to Dumaguete from the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB). BB Express opposed. LTFRB ruled in favor of Jax. BB appealed to the Secretary ofthe Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC), who reversed the LTFRB decision. Jax appealed to the Office of the President which reinstated the LTFRB’s ruling. BB Express went to the Court of Appeals on certiorari questioning the decision of the Office of the President on the ground that Office of the President has no jurisdiction over the case in the absence of any law providing an appeal from DOTC to the Office of the President. Will the petition prosper?
A. No, exhaustion of administrative remedies up to the level of the President is a pre-requisite to judicial recourse.
B. No, the action of the DOTC Secretary bears only the implied approval of the President who is not precluded from reviewing the decision of the former.
C. Yes, when there is no law providing an appeal to the Office of the President, no such appeal may be pursued.
D. Yes, the doctrine of qualified political agency renders unnecessary a further appeal to the Office of the President.

19. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
(A) The condonation rule can be applied even if the administrative complaint was not filed before the reelection of the public official, and even if the alleged misconduct occurred four days before the elections, respectively.
(B) Appointment to the position of president of a state university, despite the pending administrative cases against him, served as a condonation by the Board of Regents of the alleged acts imputed to him
(C) Under the principle of vox populi est suprema lex, the re-election of a public official may, indeed, supersede a pending administrative case
(D) the non-application of the condonation doctrine to appointive officials does not violate the right to equal protection of the law.

20. .Cayat run as a mayoralty candidate in the May 2008 election in Benguet. He won by a landslide vote of 9,500 as against Dalut who garnered only 2,500 votes. Before the date of the election however, a disqualification was filed against Cayat considering his previous conviction of Acts of Lasciviousness. The conviction became final and Cayat filed a petition for probation. The disqualification case was decided on March 2008 against him before the COMELEC. He received the decision which was promulgated on March 15, 2008. He filed a motion for reconsideration on March 25, but the same was denied for failure to pay the docket fee of 300 pesos, as his lawyer only paid 200 pesos.
Questions: a) Is Cayat qualified to run as mayor ?
b) Is his proclamation by virtue of his landslide vote valid?
c) Is the Comelec correct in dismissing his motion for reconsideration for not filing the correct amount of the docket fee?
d) Can Dalut be declared the mayor of Benguet based on the above facts of the case?

End of the Examination
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